Earlier this month Nation Dates was reviewed by Unity Book’s Lily Richards on Auckland’s 95bFM. Lily has a great perspective on the book:

‘This isn’t dry or boring, or it doesn’t make me feel like I’m at school – it makes me feel like this is the kind of book that everyone should have in their library. Something that you can reference, but also something that’s really inspiring……..it’s very, very informative, but for some reason quite pleasing in the same breath.’

Thanks Lily for your positive feedback! We agree and really want to see Nation Dates become a handbook for everyone who has an interest in New Zealand’s past and future – and from our perspective that should be all of us! It’s amazing the things we have learnt while working on this project – it’s all the little details that surprise and excite. Did you know that it wasn’t until 1977 that automatic dual citizenship with Britain was abolished and those born in New Zealand became simply New Zealanders?  And were you aware that in 1886, non-Maori born in New Zealand outnumbered those who had immigrated here for the first time? In her review Lily picks out a few dates that really interest her too.