
In the interest of transparency, the protocols that shape the McGuinness Institute’s Nation Dates books are provided here. These protocols provide insight into the manner and style in which the Nation Dates series are written. They include the minor distinctions between the style of Nation Dates: Timelines of significant events that have shaped the history of Aotearoa New Zealand and COVID-19 Nation Dates: A New Zealand timeline of significant events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their purpose is to assist in writing future editions to ensure clarity and consistency.

The citing and reference protocol focuses on the references in the book. It provides a comprehensive description of how we format references both in the book and in the tables on our website; in particular where we deviate from the APA 7th referencing style.

The selecting and writing protocol focuses on the content of the book. It details the processes for selection information; making up entries and the index; editing; designing the cover and marketing.

Please be aware that we continually update these protocols. We also welcome feedback.

Citation and referencing protocol for Nation Dates
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Selecting and writing protocol for Nation Dates
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