New date: First Agent-General appointed

Dalziel’s fascinating book The Origins of New Zealand Diplomacy has an abundance of interesting information about early government in New Zealand. We found the information about the position of Agent-General particularly interesting.

1871 First Agent-General appointed

The Agent-General is New Zealand’s first permanent overseas representative. There are five Agent-Generals between 1871 and 1905, including Isaac Earl Featherston, Sir Julius Vogel, Frances Dillon Bell, Westby Brook Perceval and William Pember Reeves. In 1905 the title is changed to High Commissioner. (Dalziel, 1975: 13)

Dalziel, R. M. (1975). The origins of New Zealand diplomacy, p. 13. Wellington: Victoria University Press.

2013 significant events

Identifying how an event will be historically significant can be difficult when it is initially unfolding. However, considering current events within an historical framework can be useful for understanding their potential impacts. With this in mind, we have been taking note of some of this year’s key events for possible inclusion into the next edition of Nation Dates:

April: Same sex marriage legalised

The Marriage Amendment Act 2013, which legalises same sex marriage is passed 77 votes to 44.

July: Immigration Amendment Act 2013 passed

The new legislation aims to deter people smuggling. However there are concerns, as the new legislation will allow the court to detain groups of 10 or more people, which some see as a breech of civil rights.

August: Fonterra botulism scare

Tests carried out by AgResearch suggest that botulism causing bacteria are present in whey protein produced by dairy giant Fonterra. The whey protein is commonly used in infant formula and the scare causes some trading partners to block New Zealand dairy products. Further tests by the Ministry for Primary Industries reveal that the initial tests were inaccurate.

August:  David Shearer resigns as Labour leader

David Shearer steps down from his position as leader of the Labour party, as he does not believe that he has the full confidence of the caucus. In order to elect a new leader Labour has adopted a new model, where the voting ratio has been split 40% caucus, 40% members and 20% unions.

August: Government Communications Security Bureau and related legislation Bill passed

The controversial bill is passed in the house by two votes. The new legislation extends the powers of the SIS and military to gather data on New Zealand citizens. This had been illegal under the previous legislation.

Meeting with Simon O’Connor and Dr Sean Palmer

It is always great to hear feedback on Nation Dates and we were very fortunate to receive feedback from MP Simon O’Connor and Dr Sean Palmer, who had read Nation Dates and had some interesting comments and suggestions for our third edition. Of particular interest was the suggestion of two great new dates:

1987 The Order of New Zealand introduced
Signalling the establishment of a uniquely New Zealand Honours System, the Order of New Zealand is the highest honour that can be awarded to a New Zealander. It is awarded to recognise outstanding service to the people of New Zealand in a civil or military capacity. It is a single-class order, restricted to 20 living citizens. An important feature of the medal is that it must be returned to the Crown on the recipient’s death in order to be passed on to a new recipient.

1999 Victoria Cross for New Zealand introduced
The award is introduced to create a New Zealand equivalent to the British Victoria Cross. It is the highest of eight awards for gallantry and bravery introduced in 1999, replacing the 20 British gallantry and bravery awards. In 2007 Corporal Bill (Willie) Apiata becomes the first recipient of the Victoria Cross for New Zealand for his ‘personal courage under fire’ while serving in Afghanistan in 2004.

Although Miriam White (co-author of Nation Dates) is no longer at the Institute, her sister Grace attended the meeting with me and is now working at the Institute full-time. Version three is a long way off, possibly 2015, however, please keep those dates rolling in. In the meantime we are working on Nation Voices, which Niki Lomax and I hope to publish at the end of this year



'Your Weekend' Review

Big thanks to Mike Crean for reviewing our Second Edition for The Press and the Dominion Post. It was a great review – and I have taken on board his comments regarding the 2011 Rugby World Cup. I actually attended the final in Auckland, and should have known better! The Third Edition will definitely include this date. Sometimes I feel guilty that only mine and Miriam’s names appear on the front of this book because in reality it is New Zealand’s book,  and we have benefited enormously from public feedback. So please keep it coming – we really appreciate it.

Have a happy and productive year, lets make the 2013 entries something to celebrate.

Wendy (and Miriam)