Nation Dates Fourth Edition – Suggestions welcomed

While we only recently published the third edition of Nation Dates, we are already thinking about events to include in the fourth edition. We welcome public feedback and suggestions.

The timeline in the third edition of Nation Dates begins with Captain Cook landing in Poverty Bay on 8 October 1769, and concludes with Emirates Team New Zealand winning the America’s Cup on 27 June 2017. Therefore, ideas for entries within this date range may already be included. Equally, however, there may be events worthy of inclusion in the fourth edition that we had not considered before. There will evidently also be events that have occurred after 27 June 2017 to be included in the fourth edition.

Prior to the publication of the next edition of Nation Dates: Events that have shaped the nation of New Zealand, the McGuinness Institute will share the new events under consideration for inclusion.

If you have suggestions for new timeline entries, please comment below or email with your thoughts and ideas.